Friday, November 30, 2007

La Universidad Metropolitana

Wednesday, November 28

There was an opposition march at the Metropolitan University of Caracas on Wednesday. Like on Monday, the students stood along the highway holding signs, handing out flyers, writing "no" in shoe polish on cars. The National Guard was there again but this time, threats to shoot tear gas emerged only after about 30 minutes of protest. They were armed with gas masks, home-made shields, helmets and Vick's Vapo-Rub (to put under their eyes and nose. It helps with the tear gas). One hour into the protest, the National Guard begins to simultaneously fire tear gas and spray water at the students, pushing them up the ramp into the school gates. A battle ensued for the next three or four hours. Students fired back tear gas bombs and rocks. National Guard and police pushed the students back to the school with a surge of water and tear gas and then the Guard receded. Students fired back and taunted.

The Guard approached from the ramp on the right and the police approached from the bridge on the left. Students ran when they began firing rubber bullets.

A tear gas bomb ricocheted off a student's arm.

When gas bombs were fired, some students picked them up and threw them back at the guards.

Oh the pain. Those who didn't have full-face gas masks were affected by the gas which caused your eyes and throat to burn and your nose to run.


Unknown said...

Linds, I can't believe you are right in the middle of this. It's so exciting - I want you to be home safe and sound but also there in the thick of it! Good for you!

unclefencer said...

Hi Lindsey, Kim and I enjoy the pictures you've posted. Please be careful. The ski areas have been getting snow and should be in great shape when you return.
Stay safe, cya

davidross said...

holy smokes Linds!!
very great shots & priceless experience.
hope the violent people there try to avoid journalists. but when you're that close, very risky.
stay low & talk with you soon.

Walt and Carol said...

Hi Linds...anxious to hear the outcome of the referendum today. Great going on getting your photo in the WPN top 10! What a terrific experience you're having. Be from both of us.

Walt and Carol said...

Hi Linds...anxious to hear the outcome of the referendum today. Great going on getting your photo in the WPN top 10! What a terrific experience you're having. Be from both of us.

abigail mortenson said...

linds- i haven't checked this in awhile but I'm glad to see the updates and the beautfiul photos. I've been thinking about you a lot and I hope you continue to stay safe!! You're getting a ton of amazing shots!!! I look forward to keeping up with your updates.
love you!

Lara said...

Lindsey! It's snowing in columbus and i wish i was in JH skiing :( can't wait to tear it up with you this season (hopefully). But all of your pics are pretty intense. Stay safe. Skype me later? ;) Lov eyou!

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